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Failed to load data set of ModelTarget

Vuforia Engine version: 9.8.13 Vuforia Engine Unity Extension Version: 9.8.13

Unity Editor Version: 2019.4.40f1 Windows 10 and HoloLens 1.

I've configured vuforia and MRTK to be used in the hololens.

i've tested both Image Targets and multi targets, on the hololens, and it works.

I've scanned a object and converted in the Model Target Generator desktop app, following the instructions of documentation.

When I import the "MXMaster2s.unitypackage" and using "model target" object in unity. The "MXMaster2s" dataset is selected, but when I run the app the only error that appears is this:

Failed to load data set MXMaster2s. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Vuforia.DatabaseLoadARController:LoadDatasets () Vuforia.VuforiaARController:StartAfterInitializationCompleted () Vuforia.VuforiaARController:Start () System.Delegate:DynamicInvoke (object[]) Vuforia.DelegateHelper:InvokeDelegate (System.Delegate,object[]) Vuforia.DelegateHelper:InvokeWithExceptionHandling (System.Action) Vuforia.VuforiaBehaviour:Start ()


Do I need to test even more the model?

Hey there,


I am very sorry but we don't provide technical support for deprecated versions or devices. I would recommend to check if the Model Target Generator is also on the same version as you're using.


Kind regards,

Patrick Scheper

oh i just checked but I'm using model target generator 10-13-3. not 9.8.

ill try again tomorrow and update the original post


Thanks so much!