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Android displays unity background only


   My vuforia application was created in unity and had worked perfectly. After upgrading the unity to version 2018.2.18f1 and the vuforia to 7.5.26 the application is not running correctly in android and IOS device.

When i start the application in unity debug mode, it works correctly. The imageTarget is recognized and the animation is launched.

When i build the android apk using the unity, the android device is able to start the unity program, but the predefined unity background is rendered only. The camera is not working, even it is allowed.

I found something on vuforia web how to add license key into android native app https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Solution/How-To-add-a-License-Key-to-your-Vuforia-App.html , but using the C# script the Vuforia.setInitParameters method does not exists.

The license key is already set in Vuforiaconfiguration inspector pane

Do you have any idea how to make the camera works?

Thank for your help

I found the reason of this error.

The unity upgrade removed the scenes from the build and added a sample scene.

It was necessary to add all my scenes into the build