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Facing problem to run the Sample Application of Augmented reality


I m getting some error when trying to run the sample application of the Augmented Reality..

can Some body help me \


12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getOpenGlEsVersionNative12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.getOpenGlEsVersionNative(Native Method)12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.getInitializationFlags(ImageTargets.java:386)12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.onCreate(ImageTargets.java:356)12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2627)


12-20 10:56:04.257: E/AndroidRuntime(746): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2679) 



Fri, 12/21/2012 - 13:27

Hi, this looks like one of the following:

- you did not build the JNI C++ source code (you need to execute "ndk-build" on the C++ source code from a Cygwin terminal)

- you did the build above, but you did not refresh the project in Eclipse after doing that

Hi Arvind,

there could be some problems with android ndk-r8c (we have seen other reports about compile issues with ndk-r8c); this looks more likely a bug in the latest NDK platform (you can probably find similar issues in Android forums);