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How can i change imageTarget ?

Hi guys

I imported vuforia imageTargets.unitypackage in unity 3d and changed teapot with 3d object. Its ok for this time. But i coudnt change my image targets. 

i created new trackable for imagetarget and built new unitypackage and I imported this  image in my project. and put in imageTarget . 

But didnt work when i used my application. didnt realize my target and didnt show my 3d object when it apk working. :(

How should i change my imageTarget ? what am i missing ?

pls help me 

sry my english :)



Wed, 08/08/2012 - 21:52

You need to load and activate the new dataset from the Inspector panel for the ARCamera ( Data Set Load Behaviour ) and also for the ImageTarget ( Image Target Behaviour ) instance that you're using. You'll see the image of your target appear on the ImageTarget in the scene.