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How to get move of tracked object only (without camera move) on anroid java sample


I just run sample from vuforia sample set and I modifed it for using jPCT library (*) So I have the code responsible for tracking (Look below). There is a TrackbleResult object which contains the pose. But pose is a matrix which consider move the device camera and move the tracked object. And I don't see any method to get only move the tracked object. 


I want to interact with rendered 3d object by moving the tracked marker/image. Is there in API such method to do that (get how move the tracked object not device camera)?

private void renderFrame() {

        // clear color and depth buffer
        // get the state, and mark the beginning of a rendering section
        State state = mRenderer.begin();
        // explicitly render the video background

        float[] modelviewArray = new float[16];
        // did we find any trackables this frame?
        for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < state.getNumTrackableResults(); tIdx++) {
            // get the trackable

            TrackableResult result = state.getTrackableResult(tIdx);
            Trackable trackable = result.getTrackable();
             Matrix44F modelViewMatrix = Tool.convertPose2GLMatrix(result.getPose());

             Matrix44F inverseMV = SampleMath.Matrix44FInverse(modelViewMatrix);
            Matrix44F invTranspMV = SampleMath.Matrix44FTranspose(inverseMV);

            modelviewArray = invTranspMV.getData();



* look here: https://github.com/TheMaggieSimpson/Vuforia559_jPCT-AE sample (but jPCT isn't important for this question).