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how to load 3d objects (.h files) form an online server


I want to how to load 3d objects (.h files) dynamically form my online server, please any one can provide me with an example or something for what I have to do on the mobile side, I can handel all the server side? I'm using ImageTargets sample.

thanks in advance..


Thu, 07/19/2012 - 01:38

I think that you would have to parse the header file, generate the model's arrays from that and pass them the OpenGL context.

Alternatively this project uses .blend files - https://ar.qualcomm.at/content/vuforia-integration-gamekit


Fri, 12/14/2012 - 15:44

Loading very large files can be incompatible with device memory limits, of course. In general it is up to the App developer/designer to choose to implement any filter or protection to prevent downloading too large files.

As a side note: