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Load multiple videos for multiple image target in videoplayback sample

Hello All,

I'm working on videoplayback sample to make it dynamic ,I can dynamically get dataset from server and use it .

I download videos and save them in sd card ,if I have one video I can load it correctly as you can see in this post :


But when I have multiple videos what should I do??

I changed VideoPlayerHelper like this :

     File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath().toString()+ "/"                                 + "ARVideos");                         File file = new File(dir,filename);                         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);                         mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(fileInputStream.getFD());                         fileInputStream.close();

and in videoplayback I wrote my videos name :

mMovieName[0] = "a.mp4";         mMovieName[1] = "b.mp4";         mMovieName[2]="c.mp4";

but the videos play for some secondes and then stop! any help realy appreciate.thanks in advance.


Tue, 08/20/2019 - 09:24

Do you changed the data set and your play icon is coming if yes please share your code.

Thanks In advance