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Missing classes in Vuforia.jar file

I downloaded the latest vuforia-sdk-android-9-8-5.zip and I tried to update my android project by replacing the older Vuforia.jar file and armeabi-v7a folder. Anyway the new Vuforia.jar file is different from the older one and I cannot find the classes I used in my project. How could I resolve this? 

I have to upgrade a vuforia 8-6-10 project to a vuforia 9-8-5 project. Any advice is welcome.



We deprecated support for Java bindings in 9.0.12 and completely removed them in 9.3.3.

I would advise to check out our latest native sample to see how we build them build: https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/samples


Fri, 05/21/2021 - 09:56

I've seen that the latest sample are partly written in Java and partly written in C++, making use of native classes.

My project is entirely written in Java and makes use of the old Java classes, there's any way to migrate the project by calling the native classes from Java?