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ndk-build problem

well this is my cygwin.bat file @echo off set IS_UNIX= set DEV_ROOT=c:/Development/Android/Proj set JAVA_HOME=c:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_30 set CLASSPATH=c:/Development/Android/Proj/.classpath set PATH=C:/Documents and Settings/android-sdk-windows/tools;C:/Development/Android/android-ndk-r7 set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/cygdrive/c/development/android/android-ndk-r7 set NDK_PROJECT_PATH=/cygdrive/c/development/android/Proj C: chdir C:\cygwin\bin bash --login -i This is what is done in cygwin ABC@self ~ $ cd c:/Development/Android/Proj ABC@self /cygdrive/c/Development/Android/Proj $ ndk-build Android NDK: ERROR:jni/Android.mk:QCAR-prebuilt: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file Android NDK: Check that jni/../../../build/lib/armeabi/libQCAR.so exists or that its path is correct /cygdrive/c/Development/Android/android-ndk-r7/build/core/prebuilt-library.mk:43: *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop. Wts dis error and how to solve??


Sun, 03/18/2012 - 18:41

And also i hav following file structure as said in developer guide... i hav android-ndk-r7 ..android-sdk-windows and qcar-android-1-0-6 all in folder c:\Development\Android.... and the files to be built by ndk are in c:\Development\Android\Proj... Pls help...

[QUOTE] set PATH=C:/Documents and Settings/android-sdk-windows/tools;C:/Development/Android/android-ndk-r7 [/QUOTE] Is your Android SDK in the "Documents and Settings" folder or in the Development folder? Make sure that you've left the sample applications in the folder they were originally install


Mon, 03/19/2012 - 03:34

Ohh....actual i was trying to work ....so i had android-sdk in both document and setting and development folder.... Now i am keeping android -sdk-windows in Development folder.... However i want to build edited image target file....so what changes do I need to make in android.mk file or any other

If you start by copying the ImageTargets sample to the same folder (samples) you shouldn't have to change the Android.mk file. If you move it to another folder you'll need to change the relative paths in that file. - Kim


Wed, 03/21/2012 - 13:20

which paths need to be changed in android.mk if i want to execute qcar sample app ouside that folder?? pls specify... Thank You

These: LOCAL_SRC_FILES = ../../../build/lib/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/libQCAR.so LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../build/include - Kim


Fri, 05/04/2012 - 12:06

[QUOTE=ksiva]These: LOCAL_SRC_FILES = ../../../build/lib/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/libQCAR.so LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../build/include - Kim[/QUOTE] Sorry for the stupid question, but can one specify how exactly you have to set those variables?

The easiest thing is to place your projects in the Vuforia samples folder, then all these paths work out.


the easiest would be to follow the recommended directory structure as explained in our Getting Started guide, i.e. something like:

  • base_dir
    • android-sdk
    • android-ndk-r8d
    • vuforia-sdk-android-xyz