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Not able to add virtual buttons

I am new to using vuforia. I was trying to add virtual buttons. I modified the dataset for the ImageTarget example as below.

Then when i test it i do not see any virtual buttons coming. (I did clean project ).


I tried to run the virtualbuttons project as well, here i can see the bouttons and yellow toepot. But when i click on the buttons i dont see

the color change for the pot.


Please help me to analyse and fix my issue. The posts in this forum is really helpful. Thanks a lot


xml version="1.0"



QCARConfig xmlns:xsi=



xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="qcar_config.xsd" >










size="247 173" >









rectangle="-108.68 -53.52 -75.75 -65.87" />









rectangle="-45.28 -53.52 -12.35 -65.87" />









rectangle="14.82 -53.52 47.75 -65.87" />









size="247 173" />








Mon, 09/24/2012 - 17:53

The buttons are invisible. They are simply a region of the image target, defined by their rectange, which will be analyzed to determine if the features in that rectangle are visible. If not, it is assumed that they are being occluded, and the button has been activated.


Tue, 09/25/2012 - 06:29

Hi, Thank you very much for the reply .

I tried to touch the button assuming its position and found that button is getting triggered which confirms everything is fine.