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OpenCV + Vuforia

Hi , i would like to all opencv libraries to the existing ImageTargets sample. Any suggestions??? 


Wed, 11/14/2012 - 08:53

maybe he want combine fast cv with imagetarget or another sample in vuforia

Hi, my guess would be that this is not doable. You can include OpenCV library into your Vuforia project quite obviously but doing anything meaningful with it might be impossible.


Wed, 11/14/2012 - 19:01

@ ravitejas3:

you can integrate opencv with Vuforia sample apps, if you want to; that would be basically a matter of adding an additional library dependency to your project; 

so it should not be too difficult, as harism also pointed out.

well, i want to convert that images to a Mat. How can i release the reference to image?  

I have simplified that part of code to only:

So, you are saying that even by just using the state.getFrame() call inside the onQCARUpdate() is resulting in a crash after some seconds ?


are you calling it from within the onQCARUpdate() ?


Yes it crush only calling state.getFrame() inside onQCARUpdate() , even in the example of VuforiaSamples . It crashing in about 6-7 seconds 



Wed, 05/28/2014 - 08:07

Ok, thank you. I am trying to run it on a Nexus 5 with Kitkat 4.4.2 if its helpfull for something.


That means that I have to wait until the upcoming release of Vuforia for full usage of this function (state.getFrame())?

I think that making it work for more than 2 minutes it would be nice for the proto I'm making. Do you use Vuforia for Android too? (non native code)

In the meantime you can use the C++ API to achieve the same (which is not affected by the issue);  if you look at the ImageTargetsNative-2-8-x sample, in ImageTargets.cpp (under the JNI folder) you can find a good example of how to use the QCAR_onUpdate() callback, and you can grab the Frame