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The question for sample

Hi. I use the smaples. ex.DrameMarkers . I have a error message. FATAL EXCEPTION: main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: setActivityPortraitMode 04-22 14:05:03.355: E/AndroidRuntime(12924): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.FrameMarkers.FrameMarkers.setActivityPortraitMode(Native Method) 04-22 14:05:03.355: E/AndroidRuntime(12924): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.FrameMarkers.FrameMarkers.initApplication(FrameMarkers.java:546) ( setActivityPortraitMode(screenOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); ) I was try to skip . But out of other error. Plz~ give me some advice how to do. By the way ...other sample was same error. I use Ecilpse for Mac . The android sdk is new. The qcar sdk Is new. I checked on the Internet! But I can not find the issues related to.


Sun, 04/22/2012 - 14:02

Be sure to run ndk-build so that the native libraries are included w/ your project. Also run Project > Clean in Eclipse to ensure that they're incorporated into your build. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError arises when a native method is not defined or accessible from Java.

yes but requirement is that, need to play video in dynamically size like when i match with small image so video sould be display in that image size.




Ok, I see. That's already what the sample does;

if you want to change the size of the video (as diaplayed "on the target" in 3D), you can change the targetPositiveDimensions variable (in VideoPlayback.cpp).


See this line of code in VideoPlayback.cpp:

targetPositiveDimensions[currentTarget] = imageTarget.getSize();

that ensures already that the video fits into the target image, but you can adjust that value to your needs.


yes i have changed in VideoPlayback.cpp but not change size of video as requirement, can we get target image size in activity ? so we will set size of  VideoView.


I think I am not following:

the VideoView is a 2D view in Android, and it is used to display the video in fullscreen (not in 3D on the target itself)

on the other hand, the positiveVideoDimension variable is only used for 3D rendering in OpengGL.