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R cannot be resolved to a variable



I was trying to build the Vuforia samples. But I am getting this error R cannot be resolved to a variable. 

This is for all the projects. On investigating I found 

import com.qualcomm.vuforia.samples.BackgroundTextureAccess.Rimport com.qualcomm.vuforia.samples.Books.R; packages  are  missing from respective projects .  I tried to import android.R but it seems those packages have something extra like about_screen etc. Could you please resolve this . ThanksAvishek 


Sun, 01/12/2014 - 21:33

First try Cleaning ( Project > Clean ) your project to generate R  ( R = Resources )

If that doesn't work, here are some additional steps to investigate - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7824730/r-cannot-be-resolved-to-a-variable