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Sample App needs a Licence key?

I'm trying to get the sample apps running but it keeps asking for a license key. I ended up generating one but nowhere on your site is it mentioned where you're supposed to enter this key. So, where DO you enter this damn key?

Can you please post the solution? I have generated the key but don't know where to enter in Android Studio or manually to the code.


Fri, 07/03/2015 - 22:53

If you have successfully created license key. then follow these steps.


. copy the license key.

. Open SampleApplicationSession.java file.

. Look into InitVuforiaTask asycTask Class.

Thank you for providing the answer in this post because there is no indication in the code comments or variable names as to where the license key goes. Something so basic should be included in a quick setup readme.


Tue, 01/24/2017 - 11:24

Yes you are right. They don't provide the license key for the sample projects. Why should we have to create one for sample apps?


To answer your question of "So, where DO you enter this damn key?" 


Wed, 07/12/2017 - 12:04

I have generated license key and used it as mentioned in the article for android.


It is not working. Is there anything else to do?

Thanks for your reply.

We are using Android Studio 2.3.3 on win7 machine. We are using vuforia-samples-core-android-6-2-10.

We have performed the following steps :

- We imported vuforia sample in Android Studio.

- Generated license key


Wed, 03/14/2018 - 09:47

License ket to be added at below location.


Vuforia.setInitParameters(mActivity, mVuforiaFlags,s: "YOUR LICENSE KEY generated in vufpria.developer.com")

Christ, all these responses to the OP are so disappointing, albeit on-par for the community and it's documentation practices.

So I dug around all over the example files until I found what you all were apparently too afraid to document.