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show all the parts of the teapot

Currently i am doing a project which display the detail information about 3D model using ImageTargets project. When i click on the body of teapot, it will display a word "Body", if i click on the handler of the teapot, it will display "Handler". Am i able to do this by modified ImageTargets project? If yes, how should i do it? Please help me. thank you very much

Thank you for replying.  Because currently i am developing my app under android environment, so if i use Unity, i am not sure how to integrate unity code to my android code. And i never use Unity before, so i don't know how to start.

If you want to combine Unity with Android code, you can either create an Android plugin and use it within Unity, or export a Unity project to an Android project that you can extend using Eclipse (or other Java IDE of your choice);

these options are illustrated in these 2 articles: