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Start CameraDevice error

Hi all,

     I use the vuforia in android and HTC g7, when I run the follow code will rise a error.


The error info is:

02-11 17:04:56.557: W/System.err(998): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.hardware.Camera$Parameters.getSupportedPreviewFpsRange

Is this my device problem? Thank you!


Tue, 02/11/2014 - 11:20


is it your custom project (based on Vuforia), or does this error occur on one of the Vuforia Samples ?


Can you reproduce the same error message with the Image Targets sample (or any other Vuforia sample) ?

Even if the code is basically the same, you might have some slightly different project settings or perhaps some minimal code changes that you have introduced here and there...


Fri, 02/28/2014 - 19:57

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 but when i start my application the camera its  small and a black  background , i dont know what i need to do