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Start / End QCARPlayer from within Android


I used this tutorial https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/faq/unity-how-can-i-extend-unitys-android-activity to start the QCarPlayer within my Android App. I search the View where the Player is in recursively and this works just fine. When I want to return, I call mQCARView.setVisibility(View.GONE); on my QCAR view which is (as far as I understood) hiding the Unity Player. But the thing is, when I call it, it doesn't only hide the player but also seems to finish my other Activity. So the setup here is as follows

Activity A -> Activity B -> QCAR Player

So far this works fine. But when I now want to hide the player and would expect to come back to Activity B, I turn out to be at Activity A. Any idea why this could happen? Am I missing something?


Thank you so much!


I just tried it and got the same result. Maybe it helps to mention that my AR View is startet from an activity which consist of several Fragments. I used a Pager Adapter for it, as I needed swipable views. Any idea?