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Downloading, loading and activating Area Target Datasets at runtime


My project is about using Area Targets, Model Targets and scenes from assetbundles. Basically, I want to add new downloaded AR Scenes to a deployed iOS and Android applications.

The question is : Is it possible to add new Area Targets and Model Targets at runtime, or is it only possible with Image Targets?

If not, will this feature be added in the future, like with Image Targets?


Yes, it should be possible. Here are some posts going over this use-case: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/faq/load-dataset-android-split-binary-obb

and https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/model-targets/download-new-mt-dataset-and-load-it-runtime


I also have same question

Is it possible to add new Area Targets  at runtime? Can i manage them on CMS? 

Thank you




Yes, this should be possible.

Please go over our Area Target Test app to understand how to add new Targets at runtime. The unity project is under this link: https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/tool

Thank you.

Vuforia Engine Support


Wed, 05/26/2021 - 10:17

In reply to by mcotora

In the test app, we manually put the datasets in the corresponding folder on the device. What if we would like to keep the datasets on a CDN or just some server and want to get them on demand, during runtime?


Your use-case should work as it works with other features in VE. For examples some devs implemented their own CMS platform with Image Target, storing image target databases in the cms and loading them at run-time as needed.

Hi @Augmentaio,

Please check our Area Target Test app available here: https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/tool on how to load/unload and activate/de-activate area target datasets.


Wed, 07/28/2021 - 22:53

I downloaded and unzipped the test app.

It is an APK and not source.

So it really doesn't help me know "how to load/unload and activate/de-activate area target datasets."

Maybe I am missing something.