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Cloud Reco + Videoplayback + Metada video url


I mixed the Cloud Recognition sample app, with the Videoplayback sample app, in Unity3D.It works fine with a static video path (embedded video) or a static url (streaming video) declared in the VideoPlaybackBehaviour script (in the Videoplayback video prefab) via Unity editor.

I want the video to change, based on the tracked image metadata.When I created the Cloud Recon database and uploaded the image to be tracked, I also uploaded a txt file as metadata. It only contains a video url (http://domain/video.m4v), wich I want to use to change the video according to the image being scanned.

I'm stuck and cannot get it.Can anyone help me and point me to the solution? Which script to change? and how?Thanks in advance.


PS: English is not my native language. I'm sorry if I couldn't make my self clear. Ask me whatever you can't understand in my question.


Sun, 03/30/2014 - 19:19


uploading the video URL as text in the metadata of each Cloud target is definitely is the correct approach for your use case;

this article goes a bit further and explains how you can read back the metadata and use them, with basic code snippets:


Ihave this exact problem. I'm fairly new to C# and just starting. I can see that I need to get metadata info from CloudRecoEventHandler to VideoPlaybackBehaviour where m_path is located.