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Cloud Recog: Global variable

I am able to get the object information in the Update function and I'm able to see the Vector3 using Debug.Log()..but I cannot get this updated information in the OnGUI() function is there a way to make the Vector3 into a global variable so I can access it in the OnGUI() function? Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class text : MonoBehaviour {
public SimpleCloudHandler other;
public Transform target;
public static Vector3 screenPos;

void Start(){

void Update () {

		Vector3 screenPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint (target.position);

void OnGUI() {
		GUI.Label (new Rect(screenPos[0],screenPos[1],screenPos[2],50), "" + other.TextFunc());


Im trying to make the Label follow a tracker that will be  overlayed onto my target
