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CloudReco sample app and JSON question

When I use

private static final String mServerURL = "https://ar.qualcomm.at/samples/cloudreco/json/";

it returns


 {"title":"Cloud Recognition in Vuforia","author":"Karina Borland","average rating":"4","# of ratings":"41","list price":"43.99","your price":"43.15","targetid":"a47d2ea6b762459bb0aed1ae9dbbe405","thumburl":"https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/thumbs/01_thumbnail.png","bookurl":"https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/book1.php"}

but when I change to

private static final String mServerURL = "http://ss.cloudtist.com/json/";

which returns


{"title":"Cloud Recognition in Vuforia","author":"Karina Borland","average rating":"4","# of ratings":"41","list price":"43.99","your price":"43.15","targetid":"a47d2ea6b762459bb0aed1ae9dbbe405","thumburl":"https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/thumbs/01_thumbnail.png","bookurl":"https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/book1.php"}

the same


BUT when I run this app on my phone, It is able to detect my marker but show nothing, only loading image.

ps. It only work when I use mServerUrl on Vuforia host, why ?


Fri, 09/20/2013 - 07:29

The samplebook1.json file is hosted in the Vuforia host as an example of remote database containing book data (but this is just an example and is not part of the Cloud Reco feature per-se);