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TargetFinder.TargetSearchResult does not have MetaData

I have upgraded the Vuforia version to 8.0.10 with Unity.

Now I found that the function OnNewSearchResult (TargetFinder.TargetSearchResult targetSearchResult) which used to get triggered when we scan any image doesn't show MetaData field in it.   And because of this the code broke and i am not able to scan any trigger any longer.

Please help me with this as this is a showstopper for me right now.

I got the solution the have subclassed TargetFinder.TargetSearchResult to TargetFinder.CloudRecoSearchResult  and TargetFinder.ModelRecoSearchResult.  We can get the MetaData from TargetFinder.CloudRecoSearchResult now.


There are current no known issues related to the problem that you're reporting.

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Thu, 02/14/2019 - 00:20

Good day


I've had the same issue, and I managed to find the solution.. despite not being helped much by the release notes

Anyhow, you first need to cast your targetSearchResults into a CloudRecoSearchResults.