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Can QCAR pick up dots and lines?

I've ran some samples and am getting ready to put some of my ideas to work this weekend. To help me narrow down my list, can QCAR pick up lines or dots? I'm referring specifically to dots or lines drawn on a piece of paper. I was thinking of trying out some basic tech demos with some algorithms I've learned in class. Stuff like finding a route through a drawn maze, or doing nearest neighbor with a series of dots, etc. My ideas may not even be possible with AR, and be more suited to analyzing an image, but was just curious as to what all could be a trackable.

The tracker won't return any information about the features it finds, other than the target's orientation. I'm not sure it can help much with the sort of image processing you want to do here... You can get the camera image for each frame though, if you'd like to do your own processing.

So from what I'm reading, QCAR can only process up to five trackables at a time. If this is the case I'm finding it hard to imagine a scenario I could use it.

So 5 trackables at a time isn't a hard limit, it's just a good starting point for performance and usability. Do keep in mind that this means 5 simultaneously tracked targets, the application can "know" about a much larger set of targets (e.g. that are present in the config file).