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Lock object position after crawling the marker

Good morning, first of all I'm sorry for my English, it's not my native language.

I'm new to Unity and Vuforia, I've created some basic augmented reality and virtual reality based on bookmarks or plans.

What I want is to define the position of an object through a marker. After detecting the marker image, the object is projected and its position is locked in the world, regardless of marker.

I've tried the extended marker, but when the crawler exits the camera view, the application tries to track points in the scene so the model does not stay static.

I need the tracking to happen only once, after tracing the object is positioned in the world and its position locked, getting static.

Sounds like you want combine ground plane with image markers.  This thread may help:


Note that this will work great on Arkit and arcore devices but only ok in other devices.