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Device support for Japanese version of Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE

Hello there.

I'm a japanese developer doing some work on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE. It's model name is 'SC-01D' in Japan, provided by Docomo.

It turns out that no matter which mode I select for the camera, like below. It will use 640x480 resolution.


So I wonder is this device supported by Vuforia 1.5.9?

I don't know how to check if the calibration info was successfully downloaded. So I just run my app cleanlly (means stop the old app, remove all data and uninstall the old app before install and run the new app) without any network connection, no 3G, no Wi-Fi, and get the QCAR::CameraCalibration object and print it out. I then run the app again cleanlly with internet connection(through Wi-Fi) and print the QCAR::CameraCalibration object out. It seems to me that there's nothing changed at all. It output like this.

08-01 17:54:44.572: D/QCAR(31020): Camera Calibration.getDistortionParameters (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)08-01 17:54:44.572: D/QCAR(31020): Camera Calibration.getFocalLength (629.504028, 629.504028)08-01 17:54:44.572: D/QCAR(31020): Camera Calibration.getPrincipalPoint (320.000000, 240.000000)08-01 17:54:44.572: D/QCAR(31020): Camera Calibration.getSize (640.000000, 480.000000)

I've read something about the network connection in this forum and think an app will run without internet connection using default calibration info and will automaticlly download the propper calibration info the next time when run with an internet connection.

So I just wonder is this device supported by Vuforia? Could someone tell me how can I check if the calibration info was downloaded right.

How Vuforia detect which device it was running on? By using device identifier (ANDROID_ID), model name, IMEI or something else?

Thanks for your reply.

Even with network connection, the app will not get the right parameter. Does the clean procedure is enough to reset environment related to the app? I mean stop the app, clear data and then uninstall it. Should I do a factory reset for my device?


I have updated the settings for this device. Please try using the MODE_OPTIMIZE_QUALITY setting in your app to use 720p. Also please uninstall and re-install your app to make sure your device gets the latest settings from the server.

Thank you,
