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Google Cardboard trigger input



I think it's great that the Vuforia Unity package now includes an option to

directly output for Google Cardboard.  When I indicate that I am using a

Cardboard v1 the Digital Eyewear Behaviour script nicely indicates

information about the device, including that it uses a magenet as the

input trigger.


My question then is: how can I make use of the Magent Trigger input

inside a script (particulary for JavaScript).  I tried the "Fire1" event, which

didn't work, and instead of guessing, thought I'd check with the forum.


Aside: I think it's great how the instructions for making a Google Cardboard

app work are so simple.  But I think there is one more important step that

I think most Cardboard designers would want:

    * set "World Center Mode" to "DEVICE_TRACKING"

In that way, the virtual world acts like a normal Google Cardboard app.]


    Thank you, 




Bill Sherman

Sr. Technology Advisor

Advanced Visualization Lab

Pervasive Technology Inst.

Indiana University
