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lenovo phab 2 pro model not aligned


I used the lenovo phab 2 pro, I supperpose a 3D model with a real object using a marker but the model is not correctly aligned especially in depth. I think this is due to a problem of calibration recovery on this device. I send you an image of the misalignment.

My device is the lenovo phab 2 pro and if I test my application on the samsung galaxy s7, the model is correctly aligned on the real object.

I am connected on the internet on the lenovo phab 2 pro.

Is this device supported by vuforia?

I use Unity 5.5.1f1 and Vuforia SDK v6.2.10.




Please see Vuforia's announcement for Tango support here: https://developer.vuforia.com/

You can also watch a demo from today's Unity Vision Summit 2017 keynote: https://youtu.be/ODXMhaNIF5E?t=2h26m9s