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Built-in Cardboard is too small

Looks like the built in support for cardboard produces cameras that are way too small. Maybe it's because I'm using cardboard v2 viewer (I'm just getting into VR/AR). Anybody have any idea on how to correct that or what to do using the built-in support for Cardboard? I see there are some workarounds when doing the long drawn out way of integrating the cardboard SDK and adjusting the cardboardeye.cs file but that seems pretty hackish for something that claims to be built-in support. 



Do you mean the AR Cameras in stereo/Cardboard mode? The phone's camera has a smaller field of view than your eyes, so they won't fill the cardboard screen

It is clear, but do you know the best way to stretch the camera feed to cover the whole device screen by the same way as Vuforia do it for usual AR?

For a while I plan to use the hack of stretching  the BacgrounfPlane but it looks very far from ideal.