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Change Eyewear Type from code

Hello everyone. 

My application currently uses a Video See-Through Eyewear Type with a generic cardboard.

However I would like it to be able to switch to normal mode when needed, because not everyone owns a cardboard at my school.

My question is, how can I change the Eyewear Type from inside the code ? I have a simple button that would switch the modes when pressed.

I tried checking the documentations but I can't figure it out. I know the DigitaleEyewearArController has a SetEyewearType method but how would I access it ? Do I have to create a new instance ? How would I bind it to my scene ?

This might look like a basic thing but I just started developing with Vuforia and I got stuck here. Any help is much apreciated.

Thanks in advance. Cheers !


Fri, 06/16/2017 - 17:14


So far I managed to change the configuration before starting the application starts using InitalizeOnLoad


public class modeSwap : MonoBehaviour {

Hello jayceBolt,

This thread might be of assistance in what you're attempting to do: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/unity/change-vuforia-configuration-script