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Gear VR and the AR/VR Sample Tutorial Not Working in Unity 5.3.5f1


I have been trying to follow this tutorial to integrate Gear VR and Vuforia:


I followed the first technique, the "Using Vuforia with Unity 5.3's Built-in VR Functionality" topic.

When running the modified sample scene on the Unity Editor, I got hundreds of error messages below:

- "Field of view values of left and right camera are not identical. This is currently not supported by Vuforia!"

- "Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 654.000000, 0.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 906 423)


I can make the first error message go away by adding this code in OnVuforiaStarted() function:

"mRightCamera.fieldOfView = mLeftCamera.fieldOfView;"

For the second error, I can also make it go away by closing the Scene tab on the Unity Editor, then reopen it.

The issue is I can only see black screen on the Unity Editor and on the Gear VR.

I tried the workaround as well, replacing the OnPreRender() function with the workaround code, yet I still see the black screen.

I am using Unity 5.3.5f1, vuforia-unity-6-2-10.unitypackage and ARVR-6-2-10.unitypackage. I also attached the Unity Editor log file.

I really appreciate any help, because I have spent many days trying different versions and approaches.


Can you be more specific about the errors you're seeing? The attached log contains a lot of warnings but no errors.


Wed, 03/29/2017 - 06:18

In reply to by medabit


Finally I got it working on the Gear VR with other Unity versions. There are still hundreds of error messages and the black screen on the Unity Editor, but I can see the AR and VR scenes on the Gear VR. In case someone else encounters the same issue, here are the results:
