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Android Application


1.Application  is  not  displaying  in  Android  phone Developed  a  project  where are  few  image  targets+3d  objects+audio added  in  one scene.The  markers  are detecting the  3d  objects  through webcam  but  it  is  not  working  when  produce  .apk  format  file  and  instal  it  in  android  phone(Samsung S3)  ,ITS JUST  APPEAR  UNTIL  UNITY LOGO  AND  THEN  APPLICATION  CLOSE  BY  IT SELF............MAY  I KNOW  WHERE IS  THE  ERROR  HERE.....


Fri, 04/18/2014 - 20:45

Do you see any errors in the runtime log of your app session? 

If you have Eclipse, you can see the log in the DDMS, otherwise you can write the log to a file..


hi.Thank  you for  replying.

Actually,there  is  no  error  in  run  time  log.let  me  explain  the  actual  step  i  followed  to  developed  the  development