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help getting coordinates textreco

I am using the wordreco sample android. 

I need to get specific coordinates (x,y) of an area within a text's bounding box where there is no text.

I had a look at 

QCAR::Word::getMask( )const

which shows areas coverd by text but i cannot get the coordinates to use for further processing. Please help me on how to obtain them.


Thank you,



Mon, 03/17/2014 - 21:04

Sory for not being so clear.

In the textreco sample, when text is detected a tectangular box is drawn around it. I need to select any area from within this box that is not coverd by text. i therefore need coordinates of any area that is not coverd by text but lies within this box.


Tue, 03/25/2014 - 12:28

Could i get  more help on the maths as stated? How do i get the coordinates of the area with pixel value 255 from the bitmask and convert the coordinates to match those of the original image? (im assuming the bitmask size is no the same as the original one).



Tue, 03/25/2014 - 17:27

const QCAR::Image *p_bitmask = word.getMask();
    const unsigned bytes_per_row = 5U; // You need to change this according to the bitmask size.