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How to make the same Image Target to show different animations

Hi! :)

I want to develop an AR app for kids! I won't get too into detail, but here is what I am trying to do:

The app will first ask the child to collect some cards and show them to the camera and an animation will play for each one.

After the child will have to perform a simple task, so the app asks which card should be the first to use and only one card will be the correct answer.

So I am trying to create an app that will first play an animation, so it's easy: all image targets will play an animation if viewed. But in the second phase all of the animations will have to change and all cards will say "no this is not the one" except for one card that will say "this is the right one".

So basically:

Step 1

If you show some cards an animation will play

Step 2

If you show the same cards a different animation will play

The only way to figure out how to do this is to create a UI button that when tapped switches to another scene in which all of the cards have different animations.

Is this possible? Will this increase the size of the app by much? Are there other ways?

Thank you for the help :)


I believe this is possible. Vuforia Image Targets can be defined with unique names, and these names can be used as input to the logic you describe below.

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