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Setting a timeline for the end of Vuforia 3 support


I'm trying to figure out the hard dates involved in the phasing out of Vuforia 3, and hoped the forum could help assemble a list of what the various failure points and dates are so we can all plan our various transitions. I'm personally using the Unity 4.x plugin.

The potential areas that might be sticking points that I thought of were;

  • Turning off of the target manager for Vuforia 3
  • Turning off of the cloud recognition service for Vuforia 3 (if your app uses it)
  • Incompatibility with future iOS releases (so any time after september this year) - this is just a potential one, there may be workarounds
  • Incompatibility with future Android OS releases (this seems pretty unlikely)
  • Incompatibility with Unity 5 (this opens up the scope for a list of reasons you would be forced to upgrade to Unity 5 - like lack of support for future iOS versions in Unity 4 )

Amy I missing any? Does anyone have any opinions on when these may happen?