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SLAM and Markerless



Based on this, SLAM is the default if both ARCore/ARKit and VISLAM are not present on the user device.

What functionality of Markerless is offered by SLAM in Vuforia? As I know, from the sample application, only Ground plane is Markerless. All others like Image Targets, Model Targets are Marker based approaches. Are there any other Markerless examples in your Sample? So for instance, if I have a device that does not support both ARCore/ARKit and VISLAM, what addionally can I achieve by SLAM only that is Markerless, that I could not have achieved via the Marker based approach? Is it Extended Tracking? Is Extended tracking required for Marker based approach? I thought Extended tracking makes sense only for Markerless.

Also, it seems that all marker based approaches use FUSION_PROVIDER_VUFORIA_VISION_ONLY type as the provider as seen from the log of Sample apps. Does it mean SLAM is used for Marker based approaches too? What is the provider type for SLAM only? Can you give an example use case. I used to think SLAM is only required for Markerless but maybe I am missing something here.






SLAM is only used for Extended Tracking on devices that do not support a platform CV series nor VISLAM. 


Tue, 06/23/2020 - 06:57

In reply to by mcotora


Does Extended tracking apply to Marker based also or only to Markerless? 

Is SLAM used for Marker tracking like Image Based Targets, User Defined Targets also? I thought SLAM is only for Markerless.
