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How to check if ground plane is supported in run time?

As in the subject, how can we check if ground plane is supported on the device that is currently running the App?

Thank you

I came here searching for an answer to this as well, as I'm building an app for an international brand that will offer ARKit if possible but fall back to image recognition if not available.


For what it's worth, this thread seems to show the most promise until we get feedback from the dev team. https://forum.unity.com/threads/check-for-arkit-support.486316/


Hello all,

Sorry for the delayed response here.

The API for this is available in Vuforia 7.0.47 (available with Unity 2017.3.0p4).

The function call is this: PositionalDeviceTracker::init()

There is no such method available for PositionalDeviceTracker

do you mean isActive() maybe?




For what it's worth, this thread seems to show the most promise until we get feedback from the dev team. https://forum.unity.com/threads/check-for-arkit-support.486316/



The Vuforia 7.2 APIs currently do not have a specific API to check a device's Ground Plane compatibility.