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Restart Ground Plane hit test on non-ARkit devices

On Android and the older Iphones, I've noticed that it will keep tracking for the first attempt, and work pretty well - but as soon as it cant find the plane anymore, or you move, or resume the app, it will have a tough time tracking and wont respond to position. 


Is there anything I can call or a specific process to restart the tracking? So I can have a button that will re-attempt to find a ground plane?



Yes, we also have the exact same problem and it would be nice to have an answer. Further problem: After a while during the usage the ground plane finder begins to drift and rotate a bit (As if the gyroscope hung up somehow).

Some form of restart / reset is critical IMHO - whether a device supports ARKIT or not.

For apps/games that may have different scenes, changing modes, etc, it'll be important for usability to be able to "recenter" or reset.