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Text over parts of model when looking at it


I'm building this for android, I want to be able to look at certain parts of the model and text appears and disappears once looking away from it. I know my current script is for a mouse how do I set it as the ARCamera?

Please see below my current script which I have applied to a part of the model using text within UI.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections;

public class displayUIcam : MonoBehaviour {

    public string myString;     public Text myText;     public float fadeTime;     public bool displayInfo;

    // Use this for initialization     void Start()     {

        myText = GameObject.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>();         myText.color = Color.clear;         //Screen.showCursor = false;         //Screen.lockCursor = true;     }

    // Update is called once per frame     void Update()     {


        /*if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Escape))                          {                         Screen.lockCursor = false;                                          }                 */


    void OnMouseOver()     {         displayInfo = true;



    void OnMouseExit()

    {         displayInfo = false;


    void FadeText()


        if (displayInfo)         {

            myText.text = myString;             myText.color = Color.Lerp(myText.color, Color.black, fadeTime * Time.deltaTime);         }

        else         {

            myText.color = Color.Lerp(myText.color, Color.clear, fadeTime * Time.deltaTime);         }



