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Vuforia ARcore Integration



I need some help, I try to integrate Vuforia with ARCore following this link https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Solution/arcore-with-vuforia.html

On Unity 2018.2, build with Gradle, mi device is a Galaxy S7 supported on the device list

Already do all stuff on the integration page, when try to build I get a Gradle error:


Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong: Could not resolve all files for configuration ':releaseCompileClasspath'. > Could not find com.google.ar:core:1.3.0.   Searched in the following locations:

file:/C:/Android/extras/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.pom       file:/C:/Android/extras/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.jar       file:/C:/Android/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.pom       file:/C:/Android/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.jar       file:/C:/Android/extras/android/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.pom       file:/C:/Android/extras/android/m2repository/com/google/ar/core/1.3.0/core-1.3.0.jar       file:/C:/MyProject Unity 2018/Temp/gradleOut/libs/core-1.3.0.jar       file:/C:/MyProject Unity 2018/Temp/gradleOut/libs/core.jar

core-1.3.0.aar is on my Plugins\Android foleder, and the Project gradle file have the implementation 'com.google.ar:core:1.3.0'

I try to add @arr at the end of the implementation line and the error gone, but still can not see Vuforia running with ARCore

VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider() always show VUFORIA_SENSOR_FUSION

is there a way to show all the available fusion providers? or check if arcore is enabled? (PLATFORM_SENSOR_FUSION??)


Is there any working vuforia unity example/Project to check for?




Ok, my mistake about I follow all Unity and Native Android steps in the tutorial, no need to do all native android stuff if you are on Unity just copy the .aar to the Plugins/Android folder, anyway I still cant get it work on my S7 G930U.

My last post dissapear?


Ok, I just say that no need to touch gradle and all native android stuff for ARcore integration, just copy the arcore aar library to the android plugins folder, but anyway I cant make it works.


Vuforia with ARCore integration seems that is not working on my Galaxy S7


This is my stuff

Unity 2018.2.3f1

Vuforia 7.2.24

Galaxy S7 with Android 8.0


Build Settings: I try against API Android 6.0, and  7.0


Unfortunately, Vuforia's support for ARCore on Galaxy S7 devices has been disabled. This is due to performance issues we've observed. We continue to investigate in hopes of resolving as soon as possible.