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Deploying Sample to Hololens not working


I've been trying to find out for 2 days now how to get the hololens sample deployed onto the hololens.

- I have the "Windows Mixed Reality" SDK turned on

-Virutal Reality supported turned on

- Vuforia Augmented Reality support turned on

I have also used IL2Cpp as scripting backend


InternetClient, Webcam, Microphone and SpatialPerception are checked.

Testing the App in Unity works - I get it to recognize the markers and so on.

Building works.


When opening in Visual Studio and trying to deploy the problems start:

It's telling me the IL2CPPOutputproject & My App are out of date.

When I try to build it I get errors (info: I changed the beginning of the filepaths for pasting here):

Fehler C1083 Datei (Include) kann nicht ge?ffnet werden: "Shlobj.h": No such file or directory Il2CppOutputProject ..\_App\Il2CppOutputProject\IL2CPP\libil2cpp\os\Win32\Environment.cpp 6

MSB3073 Der Befehl ""..\_App\Il2CppOutputProject\\IL2CPP\build\il2cpp.exe" --libil2cpp-static --compile-cpp -architecture=x86 -configuration=Release -platform=winrt -outputpath="..\_App\\build\bin\Win32\Release\GameAssembly.dll" --data-folder="..\_App\\build\bin\Win32\Release\\" -cachedirectory="..\_App\\build\obj\il2cppOutputProject\Win32\Release\\" -generatedcppdir="..\_App\Il2CppOutputProject\\Source" --additional-defines=WINDOWS_UWP --additional-defines=UNITY_UWP --additional-defines=UNITY_WSA_10_0 --additional-defines=UNITY_WSA --additional-defines=UNITY_WINRT --additional-defines=PLATFORM_WINRT -dotnetprofile=Net45 -verbose --map-file-parser="..\_App\Il2CppOutputProject\\IL2CPP\MapFileParser\MapFileParser.exe"" wurde mit dem Code -532462766 beendet. Il2CppOutputProject C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 41

LNK1181 Eingabedatei ".._App\build\bin\Win32\Release\GameAssembly.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden. New Mars Marker ..\_App\New Mars Marker\LINK 1

I was able to deploy the application in hololens through the hololens sample. Firstly I went on play setting and switched IL2CPP by net.
Next I created a build. In visual studio 2017 I had to go in the project and click with the right button and use the Rebuid Solution. Followed pictures