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Image Tacking with HoloLens2 (based on Vuforia Hololens 1+2 Sample)

Hello Vuforia, 

I am trying to track image targets from my own dataset with HoloLens 2.

Here how I proceed: 

  1. As recommended, I start with Vuforia Hololens 1+2 Sample and follow the article Working with the HoloLens Sample in Unity to configure the project. 
  2. Then I import my own image target dataset and check that it is listed in VuforiaConfiguration > ok 
  3. I add my developpement license key in VuforiaConfiguration
  4. In the scene 2-ImageTargets: I keep only 2 ImageTargets and change the Database and Image Target for each to targets of the new dataset. 
  5. In this scene I also change the Dataset Name in the EnableVuforia script attached to VuforiaContent gameobject. 
  6. Finally build and deploy on HoloLens 2 (following the article instructions)

This new dataset works fine in Unity Player but is not loaded on HoloLens2:

The panel "Active Dataset: " stays empty and it seems that dataset.Load(datasetName) returns false.

> Log : "Failed to load DataSet: datasetName" (EnableVuforia.cs L.130)


Do you know why my dataset cannot be loaded on HoloLens 2 ?

Am I missing something in the way the Sample Project works ?

Does a developpement license key is okay for what i am trying to do ?


Thanks in advance

Best regards



  • Unity: 2019.2.21f1
  • Vuforia : 9.1.7
  • Dataset attached


I was able to use your dataset by following the steps described by you. 

Please do a sanitycheck on the following:

1. Check if under Inspector; EnableVuforiaScript -> DatasetName: TestHoloLens2 


Could you switch back to the Vuforia sample dataSet and give it a try? Does that also fail?

Thank you.

Vuforia Engine Support