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Integrating Vuforia into CloudXR


I've been trying to integrate Vuforia into NVIDIA CloudXR client, however I still haven't succeded. I've tried using both Vuforia SDK versions 10 and 9.8. My application fails right after Vuforia starts the camera. As far as I understood Vuforia has to be initialized in a non-UI thread so I've just adopted the UWP sample. Executing the callback function startAR() seems to be the point where things go wrong. The CloudXR client can establish a connection to the server but right after the camera starts there are no more frames getting rendered. To my understanding the callback function gets executed in a dedicated thread and that seems to somehow interfere with the single-threaded game loop from the CloudXR Update() function. The CloudXR client uses CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher().ProcessEvents(CoreProcessEventsOption::ProcessAllIfPresent) in order to stay responsive to input events.

Is there an alternate soultion to initialize Vuforia or a workaround to use it with a single-threaded game loop?

Kind regards, Julian


Wed, 08/04/2021 - 06:59

In reply to by medabit


To my knowledge CloudXR does not require access to the camera.

Kind regards,
