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Support for Cylinder Targets


I've got the image targets demo up and running on Hololens. I tried adding a Cylinder prefab but it did not work.

I have a demo to make with Cylinder targets on Hololens. Do you know when support for Cylinder Targets will be added?

Thanks. Alex


Additional targets will be formally supported when HoloLens is commercialized. Currently, that date has yet to be determined.

Can you provide more details about the error you're facing? Detailed steps?


Tue, 08/16/2016 - 20:41

In reply to by medabit


The cylinder doesn't do anything. When I view it doesn't respond - nothing. The 2 image targets work just fine. I'm using the Soda can target from the Vuforia demo. I have it working on iOS and Android so I have experience with it. Any ideas?



Wed, 08/17/2016 - 00:55

In reply to by medabit


It works fine. I forget to load my targets database and set it active. I apologize for your time. It's works great!! Looks amazing!

Thank you.