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Use a Marker with Vuforia to initialize a Calibration for a HoloLens Scene


What I want:

A Marker, which should be the (0,0,0) point of my Scene, should be recognized with Vuforia in my scene and place an Object at this point and after that let HoloLens do the tracking work.


How Can I only let Vuforial do the initialize tracking and then let HoloLens do the rest?


What I did:

on Vuforia:

-Create a license

-Create a target database with a marker (with 5 star rating)

-Download the database unity package, startpoint.unitypackage

in Unity3D:

-Create a 3D project

-Import the HoloLens Mixed-Reality-Toolkit

-Delete everything in the Scene

-Apply MixedReality Project Settings: (target UWP, enable XR, build for direct3d, enable .net scripting backend, set default spatial mapping layer)

-Apply MixedReality Scene Settings: (Add mixed reality prefab cam, move camera to origin, add input manager, add default prefab cursor, update world space canvases)

-Apply MixedReality Capability Settings: (Microphone, Webcam, Spatial perciption, Internet Client)

Import Package: 

-Import the startpoint.unitypackage

Scene Objects: (the HoloLens Objects are already created... like SpatialMapping, DefaultCursor, InputManager, MixedRealityCamera)

-Create a ImageTarget Vuforia object

     -> In Image Target Behaviour Script settings: select startpoint Database,  and the right image target

-Create a simple Cube as a Child of the ImageTarget

-Create a Vuforia AR Camera (no changes were done)

Vuforia Configuration:


-Add App license key

-Check: Load Object Targets on Detection

Digital Eyewear:

-Device type: Digital Eyewear

-Device Config: HoloLens


-Selet the right Databse (startpoint)



Running in Unity3D Player => The simple Cube is shown on the marker

Building Unity Project => Running on HoloLens => I see the normal Objects, I see the Spatial Mapping.. But when I look at the Marker, I don't see the Cube which I placed as a child to the Target Image.



What am doing wrong? How Can I only let Vuforial do the initialize tracking and then let HoloLens do the rest?



Fri, 12/14/2018 - 14:27

In reply to by TStb

Could Somebody just give me a sample project, where the settings are done? (don't forget to delete your license key) Thank you!

I found this article: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/Developing-Vuforia-Apps-for-HoloLens



Tue, 12/18/2018 - 13:25

In reply to by medabit



Vuforia offers a HoloLens sample project on the Unity Asset Store.


Vuforia Engine Support




The Vuforia HoloLens sample already includes a portion of the HL Toolkit.


Fri, 12/14/2018 - 13:09

Thank you TStb


I don't know, how you tested the marker tracking on the Hololens

I just Build the Unity Project and Run it on Device with Visual Studio.