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VuforiaScripts.dll could not be found

Hello, i need to build app for hololens from Unity 2018.2.15 or 2018.2.16 and after succesfull build, compilation VS MS 2017  failed on

Error CS0006 Metadata file VuforiaScripts.dll could not be found 

I tryed version 7.2.20 an 7.2.25 allways same problem (i have in scene AR camera and image taget)

Until there is not these objects, compilation is without problem - Vuforia is in XR settings enabled


Fri, 11/16/2018 - 15:25

So, i Found solution. U need to have latest VS 2017 and it will start to work, but after update VS, You must do win restart and delete all files from previous build in project. Bad news,  it will cause bug with deploy to HL, where also new .NET framework is needed.