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String Type VuMark returning ID as Byte

I have made a string type vumark of length 4 however while running the function from the sample project to get the mark ID it is recognized as InstanceIdType.BYTE and not InstanceIdType.STRING. therefore instead of aaaa i get something similar to "0x646464"

When I try the Mars_VuMarks it is recognized as Numeric and I do get an int value.

I have also checked the authoringinfo.xml and it does state <Code IDlength="4" IDtype="string" />

Does someone know what the issue is Edit: Under Advanced Options on the VuMark Behaviour Component it displays the mark as BYTES although no setting is indicating that it is bytes (Added new image "vumarkBehaviour")

Hey there,


Which Unity / Vuforia versions are you running?


Kind regards,

Patrick Scheper

Technical Community Manager


I am using Unity 2020.3.16 and Vuforia 10.3.2.
