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Add more video to "vuforia-videoplayback"

Hallo all

I enjoy sample"vuforia-videoplayback" in iOS and Android.

I'm trying to add trackingdata and movie in this sample.But I can't add more than 4 items.These error occur in debuglog.

iOSError - AVAssetReader not in reading stateError - Unable to prepare media for playback

AndroidE/(2464): Can't open file for reading

I use iPad2 and Android4.0deviceCan This sample play more than 4 movies?

Thank you for your advice.



Fri, 12/28/2012 - 05:34


I am begginner in vuforia augmented reality,I am not able to add more than two image target in Videoplayback application,Please help ma for adding 4 image target ,

Thank you,



First of all thank you for your reply.I am begginner in vuforia developing,So I can't understand where i have to change in videoplayback.cpp file.Please suggest me .

Thank you,


Look at EAGLView.mm

particularly these lines:


    // Set the number of simultaneous trackables to two


        EAGLView.mm file not found 



please let me know what maximum number of target we can track in vuforia,because i got suceess to track 5 target but for six target it hang the application.


Thank you,


Have you tried setting NUM_VIDEO_TARGETS as well as that is set to 2 default.

The sample indicates it need one per Image Target / Video that you want to play.


Regarding downloading videos - let's break this down into 


Thu, 07/12/2012 - 02:18

Have you defined NUM_TARGETS in VideoPlayback.cpp for Android and/or NUM_VIDEO_TARGETS in EAGLView.h for iOS?

And your videos are in the Assets folders?

There are no hard limits on the number of videos that you can include, though only 1 can play at a time.