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Black background - No camera feed coming through


I'm having an issue where my camera feed is not appearing in the app built with the Unity generated Xcode project. I'm using frame markers, and in Unity everything works fine. I setup a very simple project to make sure it wasn't something that was wrong with my models. Here are my steps to setup the project

  1. Create a brand new Unity project
  2. Switch Build Platform to iOS
  3. Import 'vuforia-unity-5-0-5.unitypackage'
  4. Remove MainCamera from scene
  5. Add ARCamera prefab to scene, add Vuforia license to ARCamera
  6. Add FrameMarker prefab to scene
  7. Add 3D cube to Framemarker, and add red material to cube.
    1. Verify the marker works in Unity with the webcam
  8. Generate Xcode Project (see second attachment for build settings)
  9. run Xcode project on iPad Air 2, iOS 8.4

When the app is running, it only shows up as a black screen, but it does detect the marker and insert the red cube into the scene. It just doesn't show the camera feed as the background. 

Here are my versions:

  • Unity 5.1.2f1
  • Vuforia 5.0.5
  • Xcode 6.4
  • iOS 8.4, iPad Air 2