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black screen after pushing view from my custom viewController to arParentViewController

in your sample app of cloud reco, I add a rootview controller (StartViewController) connected to storyboard  , this view has a button  used to push the view  ( arParentViewController )


in CloudRecoAppDelegate, i remove everything and add below only


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions


    CRQCARutils *qUtils = [CRQCARutils getInstance];

    qUtils.deviceOrientationLock = DeviceOrientationLockAuto;

    return YES;



in StartViewController


- (IBAction)Start:(id)sender {

    arParentViewController = [[CRParentViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];

    [self.navigationController pushViewController:arParentViewController animated:YES];



compile and run normally, but i press the button for pushing arParentViewController, it show black screen, the camera seems running and detecting well . but it fail to show the recognition result 



2013-03-04 17:50:17.175 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: loadView

2013-03-04 17:50:17.303 CloudReco[15265:907] QCAR OpenGL flag: 2

2013-03-04 17:50:17.308 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: viewDidLoad

2013-03-04 17:50:17.355 CloudReco[15265:907] QCARutils onCreate()

2013-03-04 17:50:17.357 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_INIT_APP

2013-03-04 17:50:17.359 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_INIT_QCAR

2013-03-04 17:50:17.370 CloudReco[15265:907] ARParentVC: loading

2013-03-04 17:50:17.372 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: Rotating to Landscape Right

2013-03-04 17:50:17.374 CloudReco[15265:907] ARParentVC: appearing

2013-03-04 17:50:17.376 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: Rotating to Landscape Right

2013-03-04 17:50:17.378 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: viewWillAppear

2013-03-04 17:50:17.439 CloudReco[15265:1a07] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:17: QCAR SDK version 2.0.30

2013-03-04 17:50:17.649 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_INIT_TRACKER

2013-03-04 17:50:17.682 CloudReco[15265:907] Successfully initialized ImageTracker.

2013-03-04 17:50:17.683 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_INIT_APP_AR

2013-03-04 17:50:17.684 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_LOAD_TRACKER

2013-03-04 17:50:17.686 CloudReco[15265:1a0b] Initialize Visual Search in background thread

2013-03-04 17:50:17.809 CloudReco[15265:907] ARParentVC: appeared

2013-03-04 17:50:17.810 CloudReco[15265:907] ARVC: viewDidAppear

2013-03-04 17:50:17.811 CloudReco[15265:907] QCARutils onResume()

2013-03-04 17:50:18.369 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_INITED

2013-03-04 17:50:18.495 CloudReco[15265:907] *** -[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput setVideoSettings:] - videoSettings dictionary contains one or more unsupported (ignored) keys: (





2013-03-04 17:50:18.502 CloudReco[15265:907] DEBUG/AR(15265) UIView has CAEAGLLayer class

2013-03-04 17:50:18.503 CloudReco[15265:907] DEBUG/AR(15265) UIView responds to selector renderFrameQCAR

2013-03-04 17:50:18.511 CloudReco[15265:907] ERROR/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:18: VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size of zero received, skipping config step

2013-03-04 17:50:18.512 CloudReco[15265:907] Video background get data 0 0

2013-03-04 17:50:18.513 CloudReco[15265:907] APPSTATUS_CAMERA_RUNNING

2013-03-04 17:50:18.522 CloudReco[15265:907] ERROR/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:18: VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size of zero received, skipping config step

2013-03-04 17:50:18.523 CloudReco[15265:907] Video background get data 0 0

2013-03-04 17:50:19.230 CloudReco[15265:907] Failed to make complete framebuffer object 8cd6

2013-03-04 17:50:19.234 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] ERROR/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:19: VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size of zero received, skipping config step

2013-03-04 17:50:19.236 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] Video background get data 0 0

2013-03-04 17:50:20.334 CloudReco[15265:752b] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:20: Completed CloudReco transaction with ID 'e898e221f313406c9a51cd4c027645de'

2013-03-04 17:50:28.398 CloudReco[15265:921f] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:28: Completed CloudReco transaction with ID '0978ed19115a4ad392bb8d5b28574bcb'

2013-03-04 17:50:30.499 CloudReco[15265:92e7] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:30: Completed CloudReco transaction with ID 'be5750e1515645c1b6c2eb87e6f7a23a'

2013-03-04 17:50:39.153 CloudReco[15265:418b] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:39: Completed CloudReco transaction with ID '56e7f8fbf06d48bb8c753ec62429d4c6'

2013-03-04 17:50:39.273 CloudReco[15265:941b] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:39: ImageTracker: Successfully created dataset

2013-03-04 17:50:39.313 CloudReco[15265:941b] INFO/AR(15265) 2013-03-04 17:50:39: Successfully created ImageTarget.

2013-03-04 17:50:39.317 CloudReco[15265:941b] ********** 27e2114a40894606ab746a12401356ab

2013-03-04 17:50:39.318 CloudReco[15265:941b] Successfully created new trackable 'polyuLibrary' with rating '1'.

2013-03-04 17:50:39.411 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] ********** 27e2114a40894606ab746a12401356ab

2013-03-04 17:50:39.412 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] polyuLibrary.json

2013-03-04 17:50:39.413 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] ########## http://myweb.polyu.edu.hk/~10519118d/ios/json/polyuLibrary.json

2013-03-04 17:50:39.451 CloudReco[15265:5f0b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array'

*** First throw call stack:

(0x320872a3 0x39f2797f 0x31fd2b75 0xa785 0xae509 0xadfd5 0x3a37e311 0x3a37e1d8)

libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
