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build error

Hello, I'm working on an Augmented Reality App for IOS. I'm using the Unity 3D Engine and the Vuforia SDK from Qualcomm. Everything works fine until we have to update Xcode because the old version wasn’t able to build Apps for the IOS 5.1 Now every time I try to Build the App in Xcode the following Error appears: Code: clang: error: '-I-' not supported, please use -iquote instead Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1 The most interesting thing is that I'm still able to build older Apps I created, so the error is probably in Unity. But I can´t find it and I'm pretty sure that I have done everything exactly as I done it in the older Versions. xcode version: 4.3.2 Unity version: 3.5.1 Vuforia version: 1.5.9 Oh and I'm German so i hope you can connive the english mistakes i probably made. Thanks, Ihno

Thank you for the quick answer. i have to try that solution tomorrow. Yes its only affecting new projects, projects i´ve build before the update still work :confused: and no, there is no error message when i build from Unity